Card Alerts

Protect yourself from fraud with Alerts

When you sign up for Alerts, you'll know the moment something happens in your account. Alerts are a powerful fraud monitoring tool. You can choose the type of activity that you want to be alerted about, such as:
  • A purchase was made using your debit card
  • An ATM withdrawal was made
  • A check clears that exceeds the amount you set
Fraud is on the rise.  Alerts are a simple precaution that you can take to watch for suspicious activity in real-time. 

Sign up today! It is free to set up Alerts for your bank account. Read the instructions below to learn how to set up Alerts.

Alert Types

The following types of Alerts can be created:
  • Security: Get alerts if someone changes your login ID or password or is trying to get access to your online banking
  • Balance: Get alerts if your balance is below or above a threshold
  • Transaction: Get alerts when deposits, checks, or withdrawals post to your account
  • Transfers: Get alerts when large incoming or outgoing transfers post to your account
  • Debit Card: Get alerts for card transactions over a threshold

Notification Types

With Alerts, you can choose how you want to be notified:
  • Text Message*
  • Email
  • Mobile Banking: Receive a push notification from the mobile app on your smart phone

Set Up Alerts with Online Banking

Follow the instructions below to set up alerts with Online Banking:
    1. Log in to Online Banking.
    2. From the Home page in Online Banking, click "Your Name" in the upper right-hand corner. 
    3. Click on the "Settings" tab then "Alerts".
    4. Click the toggle button to create or edit an alert.
    5. Select how you want to be notified (text message, email, mobile app push notification.
    6. Click Add.

Set Up Alerts with Mobile Banking

Follow the instructions below to set up alerts with Mobile Banking:
  1. Open the Mobile Banking app and sign in.
  2. On the home screen of the app, click "Settings" then "Alerts" under the Menu.
  3. Click on the type of Alert that you wish to create (Account Alerts, Profile Alerts, or Scheduled Alerts) and add the Alert.
  4. Select the delivery method for how you want to be notified (text message, email, or mobile app push notification).
  5. Click Add.

Need Help?

Contact our Help Desk at (866) 733-3444. 
*Text message and data rates may apply.